
Transfer saves 3,000 IUDs from possible expiry and non-use

15th June 2017

Three thousand intra-uterine devices (IUDs) have been saved from possible expiry and non-use—yielding more than $2,000 in cost savings and in human terms, averting an estimated 1,993 unwanted pregnancies. This transfer was made...

Category: Collaboration

Uganda menstrual cup project tests novel distribution models and leverages additional funds

14th June 2017

More than 700 young women have, to date, registered to do community distribution work in return for a menstrual cup – and a goat. This deal is just one innovative menstrual cup distribution model being tested by Innovation Fund-recipient Womena.


Handheld health: new mobile technology locates RH services

13th June 2017

Cellphones have become indispensable for everything from booking holidays and buying movie tickets to satellite navigation and ordering pizza.  Now, Argentinians can use theirs to find a wide range of reproductive health services...


RHSC loses mentor and advocate in Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin

6th June 2017

“Without reproductive health supplies, promises to women remain dusty dreams” expressed the late Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin’s in his keynote address to the RHSC’s 2011 Membership Meeting in Addis Ababa. Dr. Osotimehin, UNFPA...


Mobile calculators help project safe abortion supply needs

6th June 2017

Using a new mobile health (mHealth) app, healthcare providers in Nigeria have been able to plan for continuous availability of safe abortion commodities on their premises. Supported by the Innovation Fund in a special safe...

Category: Nigeria

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