
Chinese youth project triples the projected number of hospital partners

1st March 2017

An Innovation Fund-supported project in China set out to partner with two hospitals to train their doctors in providing young people with Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs). But project leader MSI China, supported by a team of experts, surpassed the original plan and signed agreements with six pilot hospitals instead.


New study explores the realities of registering misoprostol and mifepristone in Latin America

27th February 2017

Professional health association support and prior registration for obstetric use were found to be critical factors in securing national regulatory approval of misoprostol and mifepristone for medical abortion, a new study has found.


RHSC’s 400th member – the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

13th February 2017

Sida’s Lead Policy Specialist for Health and SRHR, Pia Engstrand, speaks to the Coalition Secretariat about rights, supplies, and partnerships.


Solutions in the palm of your hand, literally

21st November 2016

Cell phones are the new link in the supply chain.

Data only hold power if someone is using them to take action!

31st October 2016

by Beth Yeager

Maternal and Child Health Director, USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program, Procurement and Supply Management

At the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition annual membership meeting last week in Seattle, Ellen...

Category: Opinion

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