
Dr. Emma Iriarte, Salud Mesoamerica Initiative, speaks about a systemic approach to family planning, and about the RHSC’s “priceless brokering”

31st October 2016

The memory is 25 years old, but remains fresh in Dr. Emma Iriarte’s mind. The first thing she noticed was that the husband had accompanied his wife. Usually in the remote mountain villages of Honduras, women went alone to the doctor to ask about family planning. But this was different. This couple had five children at home. Desperate, they simply could not care for a sixth. They had run out of resources.

Newly-joined Technical Officer brings out Total Market article

27th September 2016

Julia White recently joined the Coalition as its new Market Development Technical Officer, joining from PSI, where she was working as a Technical Advisor on a multi-million dollar global women’s health project focusing on increasing access to long-term contraception, safe abortion services and post-abortion care in 15 countries.

Category: Market Development Approaches Working Group

Coalition welcomes Peru’s decision to provide free emergency contraception

30th August 2016

Peru’s Health Minister Patricia Garcia announced on Tuesday that emergency contraception (EC) will be offered free of charge at the country’s state hospitals within 30 days.

Category: ForoLAC

The Huffington Post: When There’s No Olympic Opt-Out: Reproductive Rights In The Time Of Zika

10th August 2016

Co-Authored by Milka Dinev & David Fleming

As the Rio Olympics kick off this week, we’re acutely aware of the absence created by athletes who chose to stay home because of the Zika virus outbreak. The reason they opted out is...

Category: ForoLAC

Innovation Fund: Call for Proposals

28th July 2016

The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition seeks proposals to implement one or more market shaping recommendations from the report Increasing Access to Essential Maternal Health Supplies. Proposals should focus on work in...

Category: Maternal Health Supplies Caucus

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