
Concept Foundation subsidiary receives WHO prequalification

26th July 2016

Health Concepts International (HCI) Services has been prequalified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a quality control laboratory. A subsidiary of the Concept Foundation—a Coalition member since 2007—HCI Services is based...


New report links staff motivation and stockouts

22nd July 2016

A crucial, seldom-considered building block in optimizing health care logistics is the human factor: the degree to which staff are motivated and feel responsible for delivering high quality services and meeting customer’s needs...


New merger promises to mainstream maternal health concerns

23rd June 2016

Maternal health is sometimes regarded as a distant cousin of reproductive health and family planning, yet its importance cannot be overstated. Every day, 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth,...

Category: Maternal Health Supplies Caucus

Too young

3rd June 2016

Yesterday was a sad day, as 11,000 kilometres away in Lusaka, in Zambia – my second home -- my friend and fellow youth activist Tata Edford G. Mutuma was buried. He passed away unexpectedly on Monday morning.

Video: Flashmob makes waves at WD2016

27th May 2016

Just minutes before the closing ceremony at Women Deliver 2016, nearly 50 young people from around the world came together in a rousing dance routine, wearing bright yellow T-shirts that asked: “Which part of My Right to...


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