
Farewell to John Granda, staunch Coalition supporter and champion

21st April 2016

The Coalition mourns the untimely loss of our longtime friend and advocate John Granda, who passed away this week in Peru.

Liberia work leads to $800K scale-up

20th April 2016

In 2015, Pharmaceutical Systems Africa (PSA), supported by the Innovation Fund, helped Liberia tackle supply chain weakness in the wake of the Ebola crisis.

The Liberian government adopted a new roadmap developed by PSA to help...

Coordinated efforts produce new forecast methodologies

17th April 2016

Two new documents explain the forecast methodologies for implants and DMPA IM that have been developed by the Coalition’s Coordinated Supply Planning (CSP) group. There is a growing need within our field to better understand both...

Categories: Systems Strengthening Working Group, Market Development Approaches Working Group

Opinion: New tool helps bridge manufacturers with potential markets

13th April 2016

Faced with costly and complicated product registration processes in several countries, many companies limit their market entry to countries they may perceive as low risk and have significant market potential. Often however, they make this determination on the basis of very little information. In many cases they gravitate toward countries with which they are familiar, rather than risk expansion into another unfamiliar country.

Categories: Opinion, Market Development Approaches Working Group

Study explores impact of market shaping on maternal health supplies

8th April 2016

Nearly 40 percent of all maternal deaths could be prevented by greater access to just three maternal health supplies (MHS): magnesium sulphate, misoprostol, and oxytocin. In a newly published study commissioned by the Coalition,...

Category: Maternal Health Supplies Caucus

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