
Réservez les dates: 07-10 septembre

6th July 2015

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que SECONAF et la Commission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour les Produits Vitaux pour la Santé des Femmes et des Enfants (la Commission) co-organisent une réunion du 07-10 septembre 2015 à Dakar.

Category: SECONAF

Systems Strengthening Working Group Workstreams provide bi-annual updates

2nd July 2015

In advance of their June in-person meeting, the leaders of the Systems Strengthening Working Group workstreams provided updates on their progress since the last meeting in October 2015.  Highlights from the document include:


Category: Systems Strengthening Working Group

Ready... Set... Action!

30th June 2015

During this year's General Membership Meeting in Oslo, all eyes will be on... YOU! In our special "Networking Lounge" you will have the opportunity to showcase your latest films about reproductive health to our members from all over the world – donors, governments, the private sector, and civil society. As a guide, 325 participants from 48 countries attended our last membership meeting in Mexico.

Category: Sixteenth Meeting, Oslo 2015

Buzzfeed: All Of Uganda’s Free Emergency Contraceptives Are About To Expire

29th June 2015

Uganda’s entire public stock of emergency contraceptives will expire by Wednesday, leaving women — especially survivors of rape — in the lurch.

Multiple officials in Uganda’s Ministry of Health acknowledged the problem but could...


Women Deliver: Not All Stockouts Are Created Equal

26th June 2015

A stockout is an event that causes inventory to be exhausted. It can be caused by shortage from a supplier, defective shelf replenishment practices, and many other causes. They are quite common in low- and middle income countries,...


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