
Registration for SECONAF and RMA WG now closed

26th September 2012

All the spaces for two meetings -- that of the the Francophone Forum and the Resource Mobilization and Awareness Working Group -- have now been taken and registration is closed.

Congratulations, FHC, on being ahead of schedule!

25th September 2012

The Female Health Company (FHC) which manufactures and markets one of only two WHO/UNFPA prequalified female condoms, has announced that the expansion of their FC2 Female Condom® manufacturing capacity in Malaysia will be...

Category: Featured

Registration for SSWG meeting now closed

25th September 2012

Spaces for the Systems Strengthening Working Group (SSWG) meeting have now all been taken and registration is closed.

Biggest online reference library on RH supplies now newly improved!

30th August 2012

Supplies Information Database (SID) bigger and better

Category: Featured

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