Coalition adds 12 new members in December

9th January 2008

The Coalition continues to grow with 12 new members joining in December 2007. This follows the admission of 16 new members in November. As part of the registration process and to build new linkages, the Secretariat has informed the Working Groups (WGs) of new members´ interest in the topical areas most relevant to their work. For more information on the Coalition's membership policy or to register as a member, please click here

December new member registrations

Abt Associates

Alatech Healthcare LLC

Bayer Schering Pharma AG

Concept Foundation

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University

International Contraceptive Access Foundation

Nesmark Foundation

Pathfinder International

Population Council

Population Services International (PSI)

PSP-One Project

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