Final Call to Action now online

25th July 2011

The final Call to Action resulting from the Access for All conference, held 22-23 June in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is now on the conference webpage. The Call to Action reflects the key recommendations from conference participants on where reproductive health supplies efforts should focus as we enter a new decade of dedicated work in this field.

The Call to Action contains three priority outcomes:

  • The recognition of reproductive health and family planning, by the global community and countries, as priority development issues, essential components of international development efforts, and fundamental human rights.

  • Country ownership of RH commodity security by strengthening the systems and human resource base, establishing appropriate policies and frameworks, and improving coordination among and within sectors.

  • An additional, adequate, and sustainable resource base to allow equitable access to a full range of safe, effective, and affordable RH supplies and services irrespective of economic status, age, gender, geography, or political context.

Each outcome incoporates a set of actions that meeting participants commit to undertaking as part of their work.

To read the final Call to Action, pleae click here.

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