ForoLAC, partners, evaluate supply chain strength in Santa Fe, Argentina

28th May 2024

A team of experts recently applied the Supply Chain Operations Diagnostic (SCOD) in Argentina’s Santa Fe province (population 3 million) to assess its healthcare supply chain, with a focus on reproductive health products. Led by pharmacist and logistics expert (and LAPTOP alumna) Sandra Pulgarin, the team assessed storage facilities, healthcare service units, and pharmacies. Pharmacy staff, logistic workers, and government officials came together to evaluate their supply chain and forge an action plan for improvement. The SCOD methodology has brought about significant improvements in the LAC region.

This work is carried out by RHSC’s ForoLAC, the UNFPA Country Office of Argentina, the UNFPA LACRO, and the Ministry of Health of the Province of Santa Fe.

For more information, contact Ximena Armendariz on

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