Launch of MVA Emergency Fund

4th December 2009

Ipas announces the creation of a small fund to support MVA access in specific circumstances. The Ipas MVA Emergency Fund for NGOs is financed through unrestricted Ipas funds with the goal of emergency or short-term bridging supply of MVA in specific contexts where other donors’ monies are not available. These include:
• Humanitarian emergencies;
• Start-up of USAID-funded PAC projects where no other donor resources are available, and where there is a plan to ensure ongoing supply of MVA after the initial start-up.

Ipas uses the MVA Emergency Fund to purchase MVA from the closest registered WomanCare Global Distributor.

Once approved, the order will be forwarded to the Distributor, who will deliver to the health care facility, with a pre-paid invoice detailing each item delivered. This fund covers Ipas MVA products only (aspirators, cannulae and accessory kits).

Please submit completed applications to:

Ipas Emergency MVA Fund for NGOs Application Form

Categories: Featured, New/Underused RH Technologies Caucus

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