Making empty shelves a thing of the past

24th June 2015

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More than 30 partners of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition have committed to making empty shelves a thing of the past. USAID, UNFPA GPRHCS, PSI and IPPF are among Coalition members who have come on board Take Stock, a brand-new campaign to unite our community in resolving stockouts of reproductive health supplies, once and for all.

Drawing inspiration from the campaign’s tag line—“an empty shelf is everyone’s problem”—partners are committing to play their part including adopting a universal indicator to measure stockouts, registering a product in more countries, making stockout data publicly available and encouraging others to join. Recognizing that there is no clearer indicator of health system dysfunction than a stockout, the Coalition undertakes this campaign to get everyone to speak the same language, mobilize public health leaders to act, and gather the commitments needed to spur real change. 

Take Stock aims to put an end to stockouts of reproductive health supplies. That means: fewer unwanted pregnancies, fewer unsafe abortions, less maternal mortality, healthier families, and healthier economies. The world over. 

Joining Take Stock is to become a member of a dedicated team that realizes everyone has a role to play if we are to resolve this problem once and for all.

Will you help make it happen?

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