Market Segmentation Primer now available

8th December 2009

Abt Associates, on behalf of the Market Development Approaches Working Group, just released a Market Segmentation Primer. The primer serves the following purposes:

  • Introduce the purpose, theory, process, and approaches for segmenting markets to increase family planning market efficiency and equity
  • Make the case for using market segmentation to expand access to and affordability of modern contraception 
  • Provide all stakeholders—policymakers, public and for-profit providers, manufacturers, distributors, donors, program implementers and contractors, and nongovernmental organizations—with a common set of definitions and sources 
  • Collect in a single place reference materials, websites, and data to facilitate use of market segmentation approaches in diverse country settings.

It is hoped that the resources and tools mentioned in this document will be updated by Coalition members as new publications become available. The Primer will soon be available to download by individual chapter, to better meet the individual needs of stakeholders. 

This Primer is a key output of the MDA WG workstream MDA Resources, Tools, and Guidelines and can also be downloaded from the workstream webpage. More information on the MDA WG can be found here. For more information on the Primer, please contact Pamela Riley or Rebecca Patsika.

Categories: Featured, Market Development Approaches Working Group

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