Newspaper highlights family planning in Uganda

24th March 2010

On 22 March 2010, The New Vision, a Ugandan newspaper, reported six separate articles assessing the country's family planning situation. The connecting factor across the articles was that family planning services in Uganda are often difficult to access and that contraceptive supplies are unreliable and generally do not meet women's preferences for long-term methods.

The primary article notes women's preference for long-term methods such as injectables and implants, but that these methods are usually unavailable in their local clinics and even at higher level health facilities. When preferred methods are available, facilities often lack trained staff or the equipment necessary to provide the services. Community distribution is hampered by logistical challenges, such as transportation for community health workers.

One article states that the National Medical Stores are currently stocked out of contracpetive supplies, and are no longer able to provide products to public or non-governmental health service facilities. According to the paper, the government of Uganda sets aside funding for contraceptives, but only disburses 10% of that amount. Further, while the government is only dependent on foreign aid for 32.6% of its total budget, it requests donor support for more than 85% of the costs for reproductive health supplies.

The efforts of Project RMA to improve access to family planning services for rural women are noted by the newspaper. Also highlighted is Reproductive Health Uganda's work to meet the family planning needs of many Ugandan women.

To read the full articles, please click here.

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