Panel discussion on maternal health supplies

7th November 2012

PATH recently organized a roundtable discussion in Washington, DC, to discuss maternal health supplies (MHS) in the context of their newly released policy report Safeguarding Pregnant Women with Essential Medicines. The panel included representatives from PATH, the US Agency for International Development, the United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Family Care International, and the United Nations Population Fund. The policy recommendations, as outlined in the report, call for increased political will and resources for MHS, specifically oxytocin, misoprostol, and magnesium sulfate, and systems that support their delivery. The Coalition provided a brief update on plans for the MHS Caucus.

The new voices and energy in the room sparked interest for additional dialogues on how policymakers and advocates can work together to implement the policy recommendations to achieve maximum impact when it comes to maternal health commodities.

View a vdeo of the roundtable discussion on the Woodrow Wilson Center’s website.  

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