Project RMA update on supplies advocacy in East Africa
6th November 2008
Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) has cemented a long standing alliance with the Ugandan Network of Women Ministers and Parliamentarians (UNWMP) by granting them a sub grant to increase advocacy for reproductive health (RH) supplies activities. UNWMP recently attended a Partners in Population and Development high-level meeting on health, attended by MPs from East and Southern Africa. MPs from the region acknowledged the importance of RH supplies and pledged to grant additional government resources to the issue. Delegates from the East and Southern Africa region recognized RHU as a major advocate for RH supplies and UNWMP reiterated its commitment to addressing RH supplies issues in Uganda and in the East Africa region.
RHU is supporting its parliamentary advocacy with collaboration with media and consumer groups and district level advocacy groups. Uganda is decentralized so reinforcing national level work with activity at district level will strengthen the impact of their advocacy efforts.
UMATI, the IPPF Member Association in Tanzania, is working in tandem at both district level and regional levels. Building financial commitment for RH supplies, and to take advantage of a growing movement to reposition family planning in Tanzania. UMATI is working with district council leaders to hold awareness raising and advocacy events for decision makers at district level. At national level, UMATI has announced that the pro family planning Prime Minister is to become a patron of UMATI. Recent research and mapping work is being used to identify entry points to access and influence the relevant government ministries and decision makers.
The national commodity and supplies security committee is engaged with the repositioning family planning movement. UMATI is using its membership to bring RH supplies issues to the attention of high level decision makers. The government newspaper, The Daily News, has expressed support for the movement and will be a key mechanism for raising awareness and garnering public support for family planning and RH supplies.
For more information, contact Sarah Shaw of IPPF.