West Africa champions VAN
20th January 2022
This month 40 participants convened in Dakar to learn about the VAN and use it more effectively as a tool for advancing contraceptive security across West Africa. Hosted by WAHO with support from key partners (KfW, Ouagadougou Partnership, RHSC, UNFPA, USAID), the meeting assembled delegates from 12 West African countries. The impressive results reported by delegates from Ghana and Nigeria ignited a wave of interest and by the end of the meeting, Senegal, Niger, Cote d’Ivoire, and Togo had formally requested access to the VAN; others had initiated a series of one-on-one capacity building sessions. West Africa is well on its way to demonstrating the transformative potential of increased supply chain visibility. So for more information, please contact the VAN Director, Julia White at jwhite@rhsupplies.org.
Category: Global FP VAN