World Bank Issues EOI
1st October 2007
At the request of the Counterpart Group (CG) for the Minimum Volume and Pledge Guarantee (MVG/PG), the Secretariat will coordinate implementation of the design study to pilot the MVG/PG mechanism. They will be assisted in this effort by David Smith and Morten Sorensen (UNFPA), Sangeeta Raja (World Bank), KfW consultant Sandra Rolet, and a technical expert from USAID | DELIVER. Four Coalition members-the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, KfW, DFID, and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs-have pledged in excess of $350,000 to commission the study.
On November 13, the World Bank published a request for Expressions of Interest (EOI) in the design of a proof-of-concept of the MVG/PG mechanism. The announcement (Selection No. 100011839) is available online through WBG eConsultant, UN Development Business, and the Development Gateway; and in text-only version. Deadline for responses is November 28. Note that all responses must be submitted through the World Bank. Based on responses to the EOI, a shortlist will then be compiled, followed by the issuance of a formal Request for Proposals. Work is scheduled to begin in mid-January, with study results forthcoming in May 2008. For more information on the MVG/PG, contact the Secretariat.
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October 2007, RHSC
Categories: MVG/PG news, Secretariat, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group