Creating a new ten-year Strategy to carry the RHSC beyond 2025 into the next decade

This is a collaborative process

As the world's largest network of public, private, and non-governmental organizations working together to ensure that all people in low- and middle-income countries have access to a broad choice of affordable and high-quality supplies they need to ensure their better sexual and reproductive health, we cannot shape the next decade without your help!

Listen to some of our members, and why this is important for them:


See why this is important for Thidiane Ndoye


See why this is important for Pamela Steele


See why this is important for Manuelle Hurwitz


See why this is important for Julitta Onabanjo


See why this is important for Martin GutiƩrrez


See why this is important for Jackie Katana

Help us shape the next decade of sexual and reproductive supplies

You can also contribute to our strategy re-design process by

Joining us at the General membership Meeting in Accra, Ghana to chart the future of the RHSC Engaging in our working groups, caucuses, and regional forums Signing-up for our electronic newsletter, SupplyInsider, to receive updates on RHSC's strategy re-design Writing to us at for more information

A participatory, inclusive and innovative strategy re-design process

Our strategy re-design is created around 3 unique principles:


A highly participatory process that includes and reflects the broad range of voices that make up the RHSC

  • Meaningful engagement of the membership
  • Inclusion of a diverse range of perspectives from multiple stakeholder groups
  • Outreach to members who are typically not as active in the RHSC

Deliberate and purposeful country engagement

  • Apply principles of county-ownership and diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) into practice at all steps
  • Engage people across different time zones, languages, ages and backgrounds

A balanced process that includes a 'refresh' as well as opportunities for creativity and innovation

  • Update the current RHSC Strategy (2015-2025) to carry us into the next decade, so it reflects the RHSC today, the rapidly evolving RH ecosystem in which it operates, and the role it will play going forward
  • Invite opportunities for 'blue sky thinking' to explore new directions and priorities
  • Facilitate a fun and engaging process as we seek to reunite as a resilient community following COVID-19.

The timeline

May 2023

Launch of strategy re-design

September 2023

Launch of membership wide survey

Global webinar to introduce RHSC's strategy re-design

October 2023

Interactive sessions at RHSC's General Membership Meeting in Accra, Ghana to engage the membership on strategic questions

March 2024

RHSC strategy re-design concludes and a new RHSC Strategy (2025-2035) is in place

We want to hear from you!