Access and use of post abortion care (PAC) technologies in Kenya and Benin


Based on ethnographic research in Benin and Kenya by APHRC, Rutgers and ABPF, under the She Makes Her Safe Choice programme, the presenters will share insights into the access of girls and young women to Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) or Medical Abortion pills (MA) as part of post abortion care (PAC). The research found that MVA was the preferred method for PAC. However, MVA kits were not always available or in good condition, leading to delays in access to care or to more painful procedures while pain treatment was not always offered or available. The webinar will highlight the mechanisms that explain why supplies of these PAC technologies and commodities were insufficient at facility level in both Benin and Kenya.

The research has been conducted in Kenya and Benin. And both research reports as well as policy briefs are validated and disseminated in the respective countries, in English and French respectively.

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